
The World Christian database is updated twice a year, generally in January and July.

Evangelicals by denomination
01 Jan 2012

Some denominations are 100% Evangelical; others have smaller Evangelical movements within them.

Evangelicals are defined in the World Christian Database as "a subdivision mainly of Protestants consisting of all affiliated church members calling themselves Evangelicals, or all persons belonging to Evangelical congregations, churches or denominations; characterized by commitment to personal religion."

Some denominations are thus 100% Evangelical through their membership of bodies like the World Evangelical Alliance. Other denominations have smaller evangelical movements within them: individuals who identify as an Evangelical or who also attend an evangelical denomination.

Two new fields show the percentage and total number of affiliated Christians in 2010 who are Evangelical, for each denomination.

The fields are available for adding to any query that includes denominations. See for example the query "Evangelicals by Denomination" on the Denominations home page.

Renewal by denomination
01 Oct 2011

Pentecostals and Charismatics are now shown for the first time by denomination.

Renewal in the Holy Spirit

Two new fields for each denomination show the percentage and total number of affiliated Christians participating in the Renewal in the Holy Spirit in 2010.

Denominational data, which have always been used to calculate the WCD's country totals for renewalists, are shown here by denomination for the first time. Pentecostal denominations are, by definition, 100% Renewalist, as are many Independent denominations, while percentages have been applied for the remaining Protestant, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican traditions.

The fields are available for adding to any denominations based query, or see the new section "Renewal by Denomination" on the Denominations home page.

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