World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
witness The normal term used for the informal, spontaneous, unorganized sharing of their faith, by presence, word, or deed, by individual Christians in circumstances they do not control; as contrasted with organized evangelism.
Witness, a witness A member of Jehovahs Witnesses (qv).
wizard One devoted to black magic and the black arts in order deliberately to harm others; sorcerer, sorceress magician.
women lay workers See under personnel.
women religious Nuns, sisters, and other full-time female religious personnel. World total: 828,660 (1996).
women, ordained Organizations relating to women in the ordained ministry number over 200.
womens organizations Christian organizations serving lay women and girls, and significant at the national or wider levels number over 500.
worker-priest French Catholic priest who for missionary purposes spends part of each weekday as a worker in a secular job.
workers, church See personnel.
workers organizations Christian organizations for workers or professionals, significant at the national or wider levels, number over 400.
workforce Collective term for the whole body of all Christian workers, clergy, and other personnel.
Workforce for the Apostolate Apostolatus Copiae (qv).
working-age population All persons of 15 years of age and older, up to 65 years.
World A In the 3-tier schema or representation of the Earth, the Unevangelized World, i.e. the world of all unevangelized individuals.
World A countries Countries in which evangelized individuals number under 50% of the population.
World A individuals All unevangelized individuals unaware of Christianity, Christ, or the gospel.
World A peoples Ethnolinguistic peoples each with over 50% of population unevangelized.
World Alliance of Reformed Churches (Presbyterian and Congregational) (WARC). The major Reformed world communion.
World B In the 3-tier schema or representation of the Earth, the Evangelized Non-Christian World, i.e. all non-Christians who have nevertheless become evangelized.
World B countries Countries in which evangelized persons number over 50% but Christians number less than 60%.
World B individuals Non-Christians who have nevertheless become evangelized.
World B peoples Ethnolinguistic peoples among whom evangelized persons number over 50% but Christians under 60%.
World C In the 3-tier schema or representation of the Earth, the Christian World, i.e. the world of all who individually are Christians.
World C countries Countries in which Christians number 60% or more of the population.
World C individuals Persons who are Christians.
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