World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
wlc_language Anglicized name Anglicized name.
wlc_language Christian % Percentage of this language who are Christians.
wlc_language Country count Count of countries with people speaking this as their primary mother-tongue.
wlc_language indent Reference name The autoglossonym of a language or dialect, or a cover name for groups of languages. Languages are indented 2 spaces; dialects are indented 4 spaces.
wlc_language Language Cluster Also termed outer language, a grouping of languages which shares 80% or more lexical similarity (shared words, the basic vocabulary of human experience).
wlc_language Language code Three letter ISO 639-3 language code. A single code usually means 'this WLC dialect is included as part of this ISO language'. Multiple codes indicate either that 'this WLC cluster of languages {includes} these ISO languages', or that 'there is no match to the ISO (yet), but as a guide these {near} ISO codes occur elsewhere in the cluster.
wlc_language Language level The level that this language code occupies in the World Language Classification hierarchy. Languages and dialects are spoken and other levels describe groups of languages of variable inter-intelligibility.
wlc_language Language level number Number of the level that this language code occupies in the World Language Classification hierachy. Languages and dialects are spoken and other levels describe groups of languages of variable inter-intelligibility.
wlc_language Language net A grouping of languages sharing 70% or more common vocabulary.
wlc_language Language population Mother tongue speakers.
wlc_language Language population 2025 Mother tongue speakers 2025.
wlc_language Note {b}bilingual: notes on bilingual communities {c}communities: notes on speech communities {e}epicentre: notes on locations or epicentres {l}language: notes on languages {r}relationships: notes on contacts and relationships among languages {w}written: notes on scripts or written models #nomenclature: notes on nomenclature.
wlc_language People count The number of people groups with this language code.
wlc_language People with gospel access % The percentage of this language's mother-tongue speakers with access to the gospel.
wlc_language Reference name The autoglossonym (as used by its own speakers) of a language or dialect, or the cover name for groups of languages.
wlc_language WLC Language code World Language Classification language code.
wlc_language WLC Language ID World Language Classification ID number.
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