World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_wlc_scripture Audio code Numeric or Character code for availability of audio scriptures for this people group. 6/B = Audio scriptures purchasable: complete Bible; 5/A = Audio scriptures purchasable: New Testament; 4/a = Audio scriptures purchasable: gospels or other portions; 1/c = Audio/film materials, or audio scriptures in near-language; 0/. = No audio scriptures or selections available.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Bible date Earliest date (-and most recent date) a full printed Bible was published in (any dialect) of this language.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Biblioglossonym Bible name: The official name of this language for any Scripture translation project.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Braille code 1 = Braille scriptures available for the blind.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Christian % Percentage of this language who are Christians.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Christian broadcasting code Countries broadcasting Christian programs in this language (0-4) to this people group. 4= Available in major language; 3= Broadcasting from several countries; 2= Broadcasting from 1 or 2 countries; 1= Local broadcasts only or any broadcast in a same-cluster language; 0= none for this people group.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Country count Count of countries with people speaking this as their primary mother-tongue.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Evangelized % Percentage of this language who are evangelized.
version_2020_wlc_scripture JESUS Film code A numeric code for Jesus Film availability for this people group in this country: 2= available 10 years or more; 1= available for less than 10 years, or available in near-language only; 0= not available in mother tongue or its cluster of languages.
version_2020_wlc_scripture JESUS Film year begun Date of first publication.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Language code Three letter ISO 639-3 language code. A single code usually means 'this WLC dialect is included as part of this ISO language'. Multiple codes indicate either that 'this WLC cluster of languages {includes} these ISO languages', or that 'there is no match to the ISO (yet), but as a guide these {near} ISO codes occur elsewhere in the cluster.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Language level The level that this language code occupies in the World Language Classification hierarchy. Languages and dialects are spoken and other levels describe groups of languages of variable inter-intelligibility.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Language population Mother tongue speakers.
version_2020_wlc_scripture New Reader flag 1= New Reader Scriptures available in this language. 'New Reader Scriptures' is a UBS-sponsored program for producing versions of the Scriptures specially compiled for newly-literate persons.
version_2020_wlc_scripture New Testament date Earliest date (-and most recent date) a New Testament was published in (any dialect) of this language.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Non native speakers 2005 2005. An archived indicative-only population of people who speak this language as a second language or lingua franca.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Online code Scriptures available online for this people group (0-4). 4= Full Bible with specific online outreach (GMO, Jesus.Net,; 3= Full Bible available online; 2= New Testament available online; 1= Portions or same-cluster language available online; 0= No online scriptures.
version_2020_wlc_scripture People count The number of people groups with this language code.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Portions date Date that a single book of the Bible (called a Portion) was published. The first portion published is usually a gospel.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Reference name The autoglossonym (as used by its own speakers) of a language or dialect, or the cover name for groups of languages.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Scripture code (P)ortions, (N)ew Testaments and (B)ible availability. Capital letter indicates availability in mother-tongue, lower case letter indicates availability in a near-language (at least 80% common vocabulary). "Portions" means a single book of the Bible, usually a gospel.
version_2020_wlc_scripture Scripture resources code Five-letter code (JAYUH) for scripture resource availability. 1st letter = Jesus film (values 0 to 2); 2nd=Audio (B,A,a,r,s,c); 3rd=New reader scriptures (s); 4th=braille scriptures (u); 5th=hearing-impaired scriptures (h). A dot means "Not available".
version_2020_wlc_scripture Signed flag 1 = hearing-impaired (signed) Scriptures available for the deaf.
version_2020_wlc_scripture WLC Language code World Language Classification language code.
version_2020_wlc_scripture WLC Language ID World Language Classification ID number.
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