Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).
Table | Field | Description |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Audio code | Numeric or Character code for availability of audio scriptures for this people group. 6/B = Audio scriptures purchasable: complete Bible; 5/A = Audio scriptures purchasable: New Testament; 4/a = Audio scriptures purchasable: gospels or other portions; 1/c = Audio/film materials, or audio scriptures in near-language; 0/. = No audio scriptures or selections available. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Bible date | Earliest date (-and most recent date) a full printed Bible was published in (any dialect) of this language. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Biblioglossonym | Bible name: The official name of this language for any Scripture translation project. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Braille code | 1 = Braille scriptures available for the blind. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Christian % | Percentage of this language who are Christians. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Christian broadcasting code | Countries broadcasting Christian programs in this language (0-4) to this people group. 4= Available in major language; 3= Broadcasting from several countries; 2= Broadcasting from 1 or 2 countries; 1= Local broadcasts only or any broadcast in a same-cluster language; 0= none for this people group. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Country count | Count of countries with people speaking this as their primary mother-tongue. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Evangelized % | Percentage of this language who are evangelized. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | JESUS Film code | A numeric code for ‘Jesus’ Film availability for this people group in this country: 2= available 10 years or more; 1= available for less than 10 years, or available in near-language only; 0= not available in mother tongue or its cluster of languages. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | JESUS Film year begun | Date of first publication. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Language code | Three letter ISO 639-3 language code. A single code usually means 'this WLC dialect is included as part of this ISO language'. Multiple codes indicate either that 'this WLC cluster of languages {includes} these ISO languages', or that 'there is no match to the ISO (yet), but as a guide these {near} ISO codes occur elsewhere in the cluster. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Language level | The level that this language code occupies in the World Language Classification hierarchy. Languages and dialects are spoken and other levels describe groups of languages of variable inter-intelligibility. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Language population | Mother tongue speakers. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | New Reader flag | 1= New Reader Scriptures available in this language. 'New Reader Scriptures' is a UBS-sponsored program for producing versions of the Scriptures specially compiled for newly-literate persons. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | New Testament date | Earliest date (-and most recent date) a New Testament was published in (any dialect) of this language. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Non native speakers 2005 | 2005. An archived indicative-only population of people who speak this language as a second language or lingua franca. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Online code | Scriptures available online for this people group (0-4). 4= Full Bible with specific online outreach (GMO, Jesus.Net,; 3= Full Bible available online; 2= New Testament available online; 1= Portions or same-cluster language available online; 0= No online scriptures. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | People count | The number of people groups with this language code. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Portions date | Date that a single book of the Bible (called a Portion) was published. The first portion published is usually a gospel. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Reference name | The autoglossonym (as used by its own speakers) of a language or dialect, or the cover name for groups of languages. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Scripture code | (P)ortions, (N)ew Testaments and (B)ible availability. Capital letter indicates availability in mother-tongue, lower case letter indicates availability in a near-language (at least 80% common vocabulary). "Portions" means a single book of the Bible, usually a gospel. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Scripture resources code | Five-letter code (JAYUH) for scripture resource availability. 1st letter = Jesus film (values 0 to 2); 2nd=Audio (B,A,a,r,s,c); 3rd=New reader scriptures (s); 4th=braille scriptures (u); 5th=hearing-impaired scriptures (h). A dot means "Not available". |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | Signed flag | 1 = hearing-impaired (signed) Scriptures available for the deaf. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | WLC Language code | World Language Classification language code. |
version_2020_wlc_scripture | WLC Language ID | World Language Classification ID number. |
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