World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_people Version 2020 Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
version_2020_people WLC Language code World Language Classification language code.
version_2020_people WLC Language ID World Language Classification ID number.
version_2020_people Work-among code A numerical range of work being done by demoninations among this people group, spelled out in the 'Work Among' data field. 0-10 scale, with 10 representing the most denominational presence.
version_2020_people World A This is the population of World A individuals for this people group, 2020. This number reflects all of the people group's unevangelized individuals; unaware of Christianity, Christ, or the gospel.
version_2020_people World B This is the population of World B individuals for this people group, 2020. This number reflects all of the people group's Non-Christians who have nevertheless become evangelized.
version_2020_people World C This is the population of World C individuals for this people group, 2020. This number reflects all of the people group's individuals who are Christians.
version_2020_people World Evangelization Code A people is designated as 'A' 'Unevangelized' if less than 50% of its population is evangelized. It is designated 'B' 'Evangelized non-Christian if 50% or more of its population is evangelized and less than 60% Christian. It is designated 'C' 'Christian' if 60% or more of its population is Christian.
version_2020_people Zoroastrians Zoroastrian population for this people group in this country. Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in Persia in BC 1200 by the prophet Zoroaster teaching the worship of Ahura Mazda, now followed by Parsis in India and a large underground presence in Iran, Afghanistan, et alia.
version_2020_province Area square km Area covered by Major Civil Division (United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) in square kilometers in this province.
version_2020_province Area square miles Area covered by Major Civil Division (United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) in square miles in this province.
version_2020_province Christians Number of Christians in this province in 2020.
version_2020_province Christians % Christians as a percentage of this province's population in 2020.
version_2020_province Country Country of this Province.
version_2020_province Evangelized Number of persons in this province who have had adequate opportunity, or opportunities, to hear the gospel and to respond to it, whether they respond positively or negatively by 2020.
version_2020_province Evangelized % Percentage of persons in this province who have had adequate opportunity, or opportunities, to hear the gospel and to respond to it, whether they respond positively or negatively by 2020.
version_2020_province Note Additional descriptive data for this province.
version_2020_province Province Name of the Major Civil Division (United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) as it is known to its inhabitants.
version_2020_province Province Capital Name of Province's capital city if major Civil Division (United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) has one.
version_2020_province Province pk Unique province identifier (primary key) used by the database.
version_2020_province Province Pop Province population in each MCD (Major Civil Division-United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) in 2020.
version_2020_province Province Pop % Province population in each MCD (Major Civil Division-United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) as a percentage of the country's population.
version_2020_province Religions over 1% Provides the best estimate of the majority religion percentage (rounded to integer); and then a list of the names of other religions over 1%.
version_2020_province Version 2020 Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
version_2020_province World Evangelization Code A province is designated as 'A' 'Unevangelized' if less than 50% of its population is evangelized. It is designated 'B' 'Evangelized non-Christian if 50% or more of its population is evangelized and less than 60% Christian. It is designated 'C' 'Christian' if 60% or more of its population is Christian.
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