World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
country Below poverty line % Proportion of the population living below the international poverty line by sex, age, employment status and geographic location (urban/rural). Primary source: World Bank Poverty and Inequality Platform.
country Bible languages count Count of ISO languages with a full Bible.
country Birth % Birth rate for this country as a percentage per year. Source material is expressed as cases per 1000. Primary source: United Nations 2022.
country Buddhist % Number of Buddhists as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. Followers of the Buddha, include: (a) Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) or Northern Buddhism; (b) Theravada (Teaching of the Elders) or Southern Buddhism, stigmatized by Mahayanists as Hinayana (Lesser Vehicle, i.e. available to fewer people), actually the older, purer form of Buddhism; (c) Vajrayana, Mantrayana, Guhyamantrayana, or Tantrayana (Esoteric Vehicle), known as Tantrism, Shingon or Lamaism; and (d) traditional Buddhist sects, but excluding neo-Buddhist new religions or religious movements.
country Buddhists Number of Buddhists in this country's population. Followers of the Buddha, including: (a) Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) or Northern Buddhism; (b) Theravada (Teaching of the Elders) or Southern Buddhism, stigmatized by Mahayanists as Hinayana (Lesser Vehicle, i.e. available to fewer people), actually the older, purer form of Buddhism; (c) Vajrayana, Mantrayana, Guhyamantrayana, or Tantrayana (Esoteric Vehicle), known as Tantrism, Shingon or Lamaism; and (d) traditional Buddhist sects, but excluding neo-Buddhist new religions or religious movements.
country Buddhists who know Christians Buddhists who know Christians.
country Catholics Number of Affiliated Catholics in this country. Affiliated Catholics are defined here as baptized Catholics plus catechumens.
country Charismatics Number of Charismatics (in non-Pentecostal churches) in this country. These are baptized members affiliated to non-pentecostal denominations who have entered into the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
country Chinese folk-religionist % Number of Chinese folk-religionists as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020.
country Chinese folk-religionists Number of Chinese folk-religionists in this country's population.
country Christian % The number of Christians as a percentage of the country's population in 2020.
country Christian female % Percentage of Christians who are female.
country Christian growth 1900 2000 % p.a. Christian Growth % pa 1900-2000. Previous century.
country Christian growth 2000 2020 % p.a. Christian Growth % pa 2000-2020. This century.
country Christian Growth Index Index growth relative to demographics for this country.
country Christian Income pa Personal income each year of all Christians in this country.
country Christian wealth Expressed in US dollars. When viewed by country, wealth per Christian is the same as the the wealth of any other person. Differences emerge however when aggregated to the regional, continental, and global level. Christian wealth will be higher to the extent that Christians live in wealthier countries.
country Christian workers Number of full-time missionaries and nationals working in this country.
country Christian workers per m Number of Christian workers per million people in this country.
country Christians The total number of Christians in this country, 2020.
country Christians who know Agnostics Christians who know Agnostics.
country Christians who know Buddhists Christians who know Buddhists.
country Christians who know Ethnic religionists Christians who know Ethnic religionists.
country Christians who know Hindus Christians who know Hindus.
country Christians who know Muslims Christians who know Muslims.
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